
What's it like to successfully juggle work and life and farm and kids and home? I wouldn't know.

I only know that when I leave a client waiting because the neighbour's cows have broken into the bottom paddock they only laugh at the absurdity of it all when I return an hour later.

I only know that, when the tables are turned, and a long-awaited meeting is cut short by my client's puppy being stung by a bee I feel nothing but a thrill at the cosmic sense of humour and reckoning.

I only know the privilege of being able to attend a conference with my 12-week-old daughter. While at home, my partner and son waited for our return.

I only know that late-night work is possible but immediately equates to poor sleep and can only be sustained for a short period of time.

I only know that given even one extra minute than I need to get something done, I'll squander and procrastinate it away.

I only know that this life requires a daily recalibrating of what works and what doesn't, what matters and what can be left behind.

But the recalibration is worth it. Because it's hard yakka, but it sure is beautiful.



