
I’m short, all of five feet zero.⠀

This doesn't feel like some intrinsic part of my personality or character but it frequently comes as a surprise to people.⠀

So, maybe I'm wrong.⠀

When I was 18 I met my best workmate’s Mum. She looked me up and down and said “oh, the way Kate talked about you I thought you’d be taller.”⠀

It’s a bit awkward. I’ve been told I should warn people. But doing that is awkward, too.⠀

My shortness has the same vibe as small cars in parking lots. You think there’s a free spot but as you drive closer, BAM! There’s a cute little Barina tucked neatly, and annoyingly, in what you thought was your spot.⠀

I like to stand close to the stage at gigs. Taller people will muscle their way to what they believe is a free space. Only to discover me there, jumping and bopping away like a kernel of corn in a hot microwave.⠀

It’s happened so often I’ve learnt to recognise the unique expression of surprise and frustration in their eyes.⠀

Good thing I have a charming smile. It helps with recruiting taller people to pull things off the top shelf at the supermarket, too.⠀

I like to think that the way I inhabit space is a delightful surprise more than an annoyance. But people can be many things, I suppose.



