Making content marketing easy and fun

When I ask small business owners what they're struggling with when it comes to their content marketing I almost always hear some version of this— “I'm running out of ways to say here's a thing I made, would you like to buy it?”

I usually counter this concern with something like “Repetition is good for brand awareness, information retention and a whole bunch of other stuff. There's no problem with saying the same things in the same way! In fact, it’s often a good thing. If you're not sick of your own content marketing you're probably not repeating enough.”

While I still stand by this advice, I'm beginning to realise it doesn't really help with the core problem here. Which is that, for most small business folk, content marketing is hard and boring.

So, how do we approach this core problem?

#1 It's hard, so let's make it easier

Making content marketing easier is going to be highly dependent on what you find hard about it. But here are some ideas:

  • Put systems and processes around it so you reduce the mental effort and actual time involved (e.g. an ongoing content ideas repository that feeds ideas into a regular batch content creation session that fills a content calendar with regular publishing goals). 

  • Use tools and templates (e.g. scheduling software, graphics templates, content calendars, caption templates).

  • Repurpose content and ideas instead of creating new stuff from scratch every time.

  • Outsource it all to a social media manager or outsource just some parts (e.g. the graphics creation and scheduling).

#2 It's boring, so let's make it fun

Again, making content marketing fun is going to be highly dependent on what you find fun. But here are some ideas:

  • Go to a new location

  • Where a fun outfit

  • Play your favourite music

  • Bring your favourite snacks

  • Make a day of it with your favourite people

  • Collaborate on content creation with others

  • Bribe yourself with a treat

And, there's always the option to make the content part fun, too: 

  • Write about something you find fun, interesting or intriguing

  • Do a bunch of research (if that’s fun for you)

  • Try something new

  • Think about novel ways to connect with people (maybe words ain’t it)

Here comes the tricky bit—

You have to think about these problems and solutions together. It’s a balancing act.

Because the easier your content marketing is, the higher the likelihood of boredom, repetition and tediousness for you and your audience.

On the flip side, making content marketing fun is hard work—it requires thought, time and effort. 

Try some easy things, try some fun things, see what fits!


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