Your brand doesn't lack personality, it lacks purpose

We all know those brands (*cough* Go-to Skincare *cough*) that have done an incredible job of developing a distinctive brand personality and voice.

They’re fun, engaging, clever and they absolutely stand head-and-shoulders above other brands in their industry who sound just like everyone else.

It’s easy to look at these brands and think that injecting more personality into your content is the way to connect with your audience and grow your business.

But here’s the thing, writing content when you don’t have a team of copywriters and content creators at your disposal (like most small business owners I know) is hard enough. Do you really want to make it harder by trying to write it in a voice that doesn’t align with your natural style and personality?

I still want to write content that’s engaging and helps me stand out from the crowd.

I hear you, and I want to let you in on a little secret. 

Chances are, your problem isn’t a lack of personality in your content but a lack of purpose.

  • Why do you do what you do?

  • Why do you do it for the people you do it for?

  • Why do you do it the way that you do it?

  • Why is colour / a lengthy research phase / only working with a limited number of clients at a time / supporting local / using quality materials / minimal waste / *insert your business practice here* so important to what you do?

  • Why do you do things differently from the “industry-standard”?

Don’t get me wrong, quirky catchphrases, signature punctuation moves and clever slang are generally fun and enjoyable to read.  

But substance, a brand that stands for something, that’s what consumers are really hungry for. (Not convinced? The research stacks up).

And when you start writing from a place of purpose, your (perfect just as it is, no bells and whistles required) personality naturally shines through.

How does that feel? Like a relief? Or a little bit scary? Let me know what you're thinking, I'd love to hear.

If you’re not sure where to start with exploring your purpose? I can recommend Ami at Craft Coaching and Development and Serena at Speak Out Studio. I've worked with both personally and I'm not affiliated I just think they're incredible at this work.

And if you’ve done the purpose work but you need an outsider’s perspective on how to bring it through your content, a Copy Collab could be the ticket. I've always been very good at asking "why" just ask my Mum and all my previous employers.


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